5 Signs You’re On the Wrong Birth Control Pill

5 Signs You’re On the Wrong Birth Control Pill

If you are taking the birth control pills because of PCOS, cramps, fibroids or as a contraceptive, it’s important to know you’re taking the right birth kind of control pill. We listed some symptoms that might indicate your current birth control pill is not the best one for you.

Frequent Headaches or Migraines

If you are experiencing regular headaches or worse migraines after starting to take your birth control pill, your sensitivity to estrogen might be higher than normal. The pill increases levels of estrogen in the body. Look for pills that do not contain hormones.

Lost Your Mojo

The birth control pill can lower your libido since it replaces hormones. The body is responsible for creating 50% of the testosterone when a natural ovulation occurs and testosterone actually plays a huge part in sex drive. The pill can prevent a person from ovulating, which in turn will result in zero production of testosterone hormones, necessary to keep the libido up and running. Testosterone is also responsible for increasing the blood flow to sexual organs – crucial for their sensitivity.

Low Energy

There is a proven connection between taking birth control pills and depletion of vitamin B. If you are not taking a vitamin B6 supplement, chances are that you might feel low on energy. Other symptoms can be moodiness, tiredness and nausea. If experiencing any of these symptoms look into supplementing your vitamin intake or switching the contraceptive method altogether.

If you are not taking a vitamin B6 supplement, chances are that you might feel low on energy.

Feeling Depressed

The birth control pill contains progesterone & estrogen and these can affect the brain. It is very important to find a well-balanced pill which will not put you in bouts of depression or low moods. Each pill has a different dose of these hormones so it might be a good idea to try a different pill or other birth control methods.

Not Being Yourself

If your mood and behavior have changed after taking the pill, you feel miserable and moody and most of all you don’t feel quite yourself, it might be best to look into other options. Your body knows best when something is not right and it may be that birth control pills are not the best contraceptive method for you.

Your body knows best when something is not right and it may be that birth control pills are not the best contraceptive method for you.

If you experience any of the above-mentioned symptoms, it’s probably a good idea to schedule a visit with your doctor to discuss options and clarify the root cause.

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