Popit featured in Japanese media

Popit media coverage in Japan. Popit was featured in TV Tokyo’s Femtech Committee.
Popit featured in TV Tokyo YouTube series, “Femtech Committee”
Popit media coverage in Japan!
Popit’s unique medication tracking device and app was featured in a YouTube series called “Femtech Committee” by TV Tokyo. TV Tokyo is one of the major TV broadcasters in Japan.
The program was launched with the aim of openly discussing topics related to women’s sexuality and health, which was considered somewhat taboo. It also aims to convey a positive image of Feminine health and well-being. Furthermore, it offers useful information that may come in handy right away, as well as content that addresses concerns that are unique to women.
In this episode, the host introduced our product as a unique and state-of-the-art Femtech tool for women on contraceptive pills. Popit supports them in keeping track of their daily pill doses, allowing them to minimize the chance of unintended pregnancy.
Link to the YouTube video (Note: The video is accessible within Japan only.)
Femtech in Japan:
In Japan, the Femtech trend is gaining momentum as more women seek out innovative solutions to address their unique health needs. There is an increasing amount of media coverage on different types of Femtech technology.
One area where Femtech is particularly popular in Japan is fertility tracking. There are several apps and devices available that allow women to track their menstrual cycles, monitor their ovulation, and increase their chances of getting pregnant. In addition, there are also products like pelvic floor trainers and breast pumps that are designed specifically for women’s bodies.
The Femtech trend in Japan is helping to empower women by giving them more control over their health and wellness. With continued innovation and investment, the industry is poised to grow in the years ahead, providing even more options for women to take charge of their health.